Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wok Wednesday: Chinese Burmese Chili Chicken

Wok Wednesday: Chinese Burmese Chili Chicken

It was kind of a late dinner for our Wok Wednesday experience so I am posting my experience on Thursday.

Okay this recipe was delicious but I have to tell you that when I added the fish sauce I was having second thoughts. I literally had to put the aroma (?) out of my mind so that I could enjoy eating my efforts. The dish was delicious and I was able to easily get beyond the stigma of the fish sauce.

Because there was a lot of prep work I actually took off from work a few hours earlier then normal so I could come home and get all the prep work competed before our evening errands. When we got home from our errands all I had to do was stir fry and we all know how fast that goes. there isn't a finer site then seeing all of the ingredients lined up in the order they are added to the Wok.

I did make on slight change to the recipe. I couldn't find zucchini in the store I was in (I know, huh?) so I bought a package of Gray Squash. It looked sort of like zucchini and I love all kinds of squash, so I decided to go with it. I was pleasantly surprised that it that cooked up just like zucchini and took on the flavors of the recipe nicely, oh did I mention they were very affordable.

My husband ate the leftovers, the next best thing about stir-fry, for his lunch today and loved it.

Looking forward to the Trinidad Shrimp dish in a couple of weeks, in the meantime I am woking everything that crosses it's path. Watch out Layla (our Lab) just kidding of course.

Thanks go to Cathy for hosting the event, I loved your blog and the photos that went with it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you GG for the nice comment. I too was concerned about using the fish sauce! Glad I did though. I even used it in a salad dressing tonight! I'm ok with it once I get passed the smell of it. This stir-fry did make for great leftovers for lunch. Run Layla, run! She is adorable GG.



About Me

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I am married to my very best friend, Todd. We both enjoy doing so many of the same things yet we enjoy our time apart as well. I love to cook, hike, walk, ride my bike and especially spend time with our dogs.