Monday, May 28, 2012

Layla oh Layla

Layla oh Layla what a joy you have brought to our family, human and critter alike. I can hardly believe you are turning 2 years old next month.
I'll never forget how I first heard about Layla. Actually it wasn't Layla I heard about, it was a free Labrador that I heard about. It was in October of 2010 and I was in Fawnskin Ca for a weekend of family time. Maryann, Tim and I got to the cabin ahead of the others. While we were waiting for the others to get there, we were hanging out on the deck and drinking a little wine. Tim asked me if we wanted a Labrador, he went on to tell me that one of his students had Labrador's that they were giving away and he thought they had a chocolate and a yellow lab. I couldn't believe my ears but at the same time I was thinking that we couldn't have a Labrador when we had 3 dogs at home already but it was fun to dream. When Todd got to the cabin the next day I told him about the free Lab and we both dreamed about it a little, then decided that we couldn't possibly have another dog.
After our fabulous weekend with family, we  went about our work week but we couldn't stop thinking about the free Lab so we called Tim and he got us the contact information for the family that had the Labs. We made several attempts to contact the family but we were not having any luck. We figured it was a sign that we really shouldn't be getting another dog. Well we persisted and finally set up a date to see the puppies on the way home from work.
Imagine our surprise when we pulled up in front of the house and there was another couple there looking at the dogs. Mind you, up until now we thought we were coming to look at a yellow lab but we were very surprised to see there was a yellow and a chocolate lab playing in the yard with their parents who looked like the perfect specimen of a Labrador. Luckily while we were getting out of the car the couple were getting into theirs to leave. We spent the next hour visiting with the family and playing with the puppies. Needless to say we left with a new puppy.
We toyed with different names for Layla. For a brief period we were calling her Muddy (as in Muddy Waters and she was brown after all) then we tried B.B. Queen (that shouldn't need explanation) and we finally settled on Layla. Her family had been calling her Lola and her sister Layla so she was used to hearing that name and took to it right away.
Needless to say Layla is fitting in with all of our family of critters and humans alike.
Happy Birthday lovely Layla and may we have soooo many more with you.

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About Me

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I am married to my very best friend, Todd. We both enjoy doing so many of the same things yet we enjoy our time apart as well. I love to cook, hike, walk, ride my bike and especially spend time with our dogs.