Saturday, August 11, 2012

Classic Dry-Fried Pepper and Salt Shrimp

How can you go wrong with a dish that is all about the shrimp? Especially shrimp that is ready to pop in your mouth and savor. I am amazed at how few ingredients this recipe has but it is powered with so much flavor. Usually when we do a recipe I cut up some of the veggies in the morning before I go to work so I don't have too much prep when I get home. But this recipe came together fast. Now that's my kind of fast food.

I bought medium sized shrimp that were very good but next time I will spring for the larger tiger shrimp. I also added a couple of fresh chinese red chilis at the end for my husband. He likes it hot!

I served the shrimp with the vegetarian fried rice dish from The Breath of a Wok, it's my go to rice dish that I make weekly then bring a small portion to work every day to eat with fresh tomatoes or other fresh fruit.

This dish is so delicious and so easy that I am going to cook it while we are camping next week in the mountains. I have a large group to cook for and I think this will be perfect.



About Me

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I am married to my very best friend, Todd. We both enjoy doing so many of the same things yet we enjoy our time apart as well. I love to cook, hike, walk, ride my bike and especially spend time with our dogs.